March 1, 2015
Don’t worry! Most documents have been received by clients. Except for the possible outstanding K-1s from partnerships and Sub S Corporation clients have received W-2s, 1099s, etc… Now is the time to commit and not procrastinate and contact your CPA to set up that all important meeting. I enjoying spending time with my clients going thru their documents and answering any questions that they have. Be careful if you are a new business owner and you set up an LLC last year that is taxed as a corporation. LLCs taxed as corporations have a due date of March 15th. Communication is the key at this time of year. Here are a few things you can do to help the process:
1. Organize your documents: W-2s, 1099int, 1099-R, 1098 etc…
2. Write a list of questions or concerns.
3. Contact your CPA and arrive on time.
If you should have any questions feel free to email me at