How to prepare for your meeting with your CPA?

Hello fellow tax filers;

Tax season is officially underway. Just a couple tips on preparing for your meeting:

  1. Pull your prior tax return and compare your gathered documents to make sure you have received everything. There are several occasions were a client has forgotten a particular document.
  2. Take out a legal paid and write down any questions you have. Clients occasionally forget to ask questions at the tax table.
  3. Know your fee and when you can expect that your return will be finished.
  4. If the CPA sends you an email asking for additional information DON’T PROCRASTINATE! Get back to the CPA promptly so the return can be completed. Remember tax season is a high volume time of year for CPAs and your return could be put on the “back burner” because of lack of response.

CPAs want to help tax filers understand the different tax laws.

Good Luck,

Tim Quinn, CPA